Have you ever tried to exchange links, swap links, or trade links? Was it hard? Use link market instead; - it is easy to use, free and very smart. It will save you hours of work.
- Deadline Shorter
- The more advance technology the faster business movement
2. Unclear thinking
- Clear thinking is clear writing
3. Like God: Create something from nothing
- Face blank paper or computer screen
4. First time is always difficult
- Physically and mentally terror
5. Inspiration is not like bulb
- You can turn on or off as you want
6. Quantity VS Quality
- Assignment
A. Relax
- Do something that make you fill good
a. Drink a cup of coffee
b. Watch movie
c. Make phone call
d. Chatting
B. Do Nothing
- If you doubt
- If you get stuck
- Any place
- Crowd
- Silent
- Office
- Library
- Morning
- Evening
- After getting sport
- Can be learned
- Can become Rosihan Anwar
- Can just a good writer
- Follow Writing Process
- Planning-Writing-Editing
2. Writing is Skill
- Can be learned
- Can become Rosihan Anwar
- Can just a good writer
3. Just Writing What is in Your Head
4. Making Outline or Summary
5. More exercise

- Marketing department does the marketing
- Marketer focuses on “interruption” marketing
- Marketing focuses on acquiring new customers
- Marketing focuses on immediate transactions
- Marketing expenditures are viewed as expenses
- Marketing integrates the work of exploring ,creating, & delivering customer value
- Marketer focuses on “permission” marketing
- Marketing focuses on customer retention & loyalty building
- Marketing focuses on capturing customer lifetime value
Many marketing expenditures are viewed as investments
1.0 Executive Summary
1.1 Objectives
1.2 Mission
1.3 Keys to succes
2.0 Company
2.1 Company ownership
2.2 Start-up summary
2.3 Company Locations and Facility
3.0 Products and Services
3.1 Product and Service Description
3.2 Competitive Comparation
3.3 Sales Literature
3.4 Fulfillment
3.5 Technology
3.6 Future Products and Services
4.0 Market Analysis Summary
4.1 Market Segmentation
4.2 Target Market Segment
4.2.1 Market Needs
4.2.2 Market Trends
4.2.3 Market Growth
4.3 Service Business Analysis
4.3.1 Business Participants
4.3.2 Distributing a Service
4.3.3 Competition and Buying Patterns
4.3.4 Main Competitors
5.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary
5.1 SWOT Analysis
5.1.1 Strengths
5.1.2 Weaknesses
5.1.3 Opportunities
5.1.4 Threats
5.2 Strategy Pyramid
5.3 Value Proportion
5.4 Competitive Edge
5.5 Marketing Strategy
5.5.1 Positioning Statement
5.5.2 Pricing Strategy
5.5.3 Promotion Strategy
5.5.4 Distribution Strategy
5.5.5 Marketing Programs
5.6 Sales Strategy
5.6.1 Sales Forecast
5.6.2 Sales Programs
5.7 Strategic Alliances
6.0 Management Summary
6.1 Organizational Structure
6.2 Management Team
6.3 Management Team Gaps
6.4 Personnel Plan
7.0 Financial Plan
7.1 Start-up Funding
7.2 Important Assumptions
7.3 Key Financial Indicators
7.4 Break-even Analysis
7.5 Projected Profit and Loss
7.6 Projected Cash Flow
7.7 Projected Balance Sheets
7.8 Business Ratios
7.9 Valuation
7.10 The Investment Offering
7.11 Use of Funds
7.12 Payback (end)
from : all informations
Learning Points
• Improve my relationships by sharing my thoughts and feelings?
• Learn to trust others, especially when trust has been broken?
• Determine the appropriate amount to disclose to others?
• Use situational cues to guide self-disclose and trust?
• Share my feelings about and reactions to people and situations, in addition to facts?
• Demonstrate that I am worthy of others’ trust? -
Her immediate supeMsor Jane Montgomery, has tried to talk with Mary about her inconsistent performance, to no avail. Jane, a director in the firm, placed a call to John White. John no longer heads the firm but often serves as a sounding board to senior management on important personnel and client issues in his role as senior partner Jane has requested that John meet with Mary.
After an initial greeting, John praises Mary for her past performance with the finn and then expresses concern over her current performance. Mary responds by revealing that she feels she is in over her head. “Promise not to tell anyone,” she pleads, and begins to discuss numerous personal incidents that are affecting her performance such as the breakup of a long-standing romance, financial problems brought on by overextending her credit, and afalling out with her family over their concerns about her lack of interest in getting married, having children, and settling down.
While sympathetic, John is dismayed at what he learns from Mary about her troubles. He concludes Mary’s personal problems are detracting from her ability to focus on her job. John recommends to Mary’s supervisor that she be let go as soon as a “legitimate”
- What could Mary have done to minimize the degree to which her personal problems spilled over into work?
- Did Mary disclose too much about herself, setting herself up for a negative recommen dation from John? How would you have handled this situation?
- Did John overstep his bounds in his conversation with Mary about her performance? What about the promise he made to her?
By adding trust to self-disclosure, we are able to complete the relationship equation. The two elements fonn a cycle: the more you trust the more you disclose, and the more you disclose the more you trust. How do we define trust? Trust is a multifaceted concept that captures one’s faith or belief in the integrity or reliability of another person or thing. In business, as in life, trust is an essential building block in developing relationships with customers, colleagues, and business associates. Think of a relationship you’ve had where trust has been broken. Perhaps a promised raise didn’t materialize, a client misrepresented his or her financial situation, or a friend informs you that your significant other— who was attending a conference in another state—was seen with someone else. Isn’t it difficult to relate to that person now or believe that person’s promises? Does the lack of trust make you less inclined to make plans or have anything to do with this person?